The Fort King Paddle Trail is temporarily closed. Paddlers will use the main river route with a marker for 2-hour turnarounds. The 1-hour paddle is unavailable. Stay tuned for updates!

Frequently asked questions


Most frequent questions and answers

There are several entrances to the park, and admission fees paid at one entrance authorizes admissions to all other areas. Please show your receipt at the other entrance for admittance. 

If you park at the Main Entrance on SR 40, the cost of admission to Silver Springs is $2.00 per person. Children 5 and under are free.  

At the Camping and Equestrian Entrances the cost is $8.00 per vehicle with 2 to 8 occupants.  Admission is $5.00 for single occupant vehicles. 

Refunds are not permitted.

Silver Springs State Park is open 7 days a week year-round, including ALL holidays, from 8 am. to sundown.

Silver Springs is located in between Orlando and Gainesville, just east of downtown Ocala. The park’s main entrance is on State Road 40, east of Ocala (5656 East Silver Springs Boulevard, Silver Springs). The camping entrance is located on State Road 35, or Baseline Road, south of State Road 40 (1425 NE 58th Avenue, Ocala). 

As of now, swimming is not permitted at Silver Springs. Boating, kayaking and canoeing are alternatives guests can enjoy in order to experience our beautiful waters first hand.

Yes, you are welcome to bring your own kayak to Silver Springs. The launch fee is $4. More information available here.

Glass Bottom Boat tours run approximately 30 minutes. Tours are offered daily beginning at 10 am. Our in-depth Extended Tours are 90 minutes long and run Daily at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm. Reservations are recommended. Details and pricing information can be found here.

Glass Bottom Boat tours,  canoeing and kayaking, camping, hiking, birding, park special events and the Silver River Museum are among the most popular activities at Silver Springs State Park. For details on reserving and renting kayaks and canoes, click here. Special events and calendar information can be found by clicking here

The park offers 59 tent/RV sites and ten spacious cabins for overnight stays. To learn more about camping and cabin rentals at Silver Springs State Park and to make reservations, click here.

Well-behaved pets are welcome  in Silver Springs State Park, the campground, picnic area and on hiking trails. Owners are expected to clean up after their pets and leashes are required at all times. Dogs are not permitted on the Glass Bottom Boats or in any buildings, including cabins, the museum, education center, restrooms and the restaurant. Service animals are welcome in all areas.

Silver Springs is a state owned property and is managed and protected by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the state’s lead agency for environmental management and stewardship. The property came under control of FDEP in 2013, at which time it was merged with the former Silver River State Park to form Silver Springs State Park.

Yes! We host events of all kinds – weddings, receptions, birthday parties, retirement parties, company meetings and picnics, etc. For details, visit our Weddings/Catering page here.